Impact Reports

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Strategy Impact Day | apR 2021

HR Impact Day | apr 2021

We bookended National Volunteer Week with one of our favorite ways to volunteer: Impact Days!


Marketing Impact Day | Dec 2020

2020 challenged us, isolated us, left many of us in mourning, and separated us in several ways. Our final Impact Day of the year felt like a deep purposeful breath to help us all unite and heal.


TEch Impact Day | Sep 2020

Our third annual Tech Day showed how adept we are all becoming at adapting to virtual formats (and at decreasing tech challenges ourselves!) It also proved to feel like “a million hugs at once!”


HR Impact Day | June 2020

Our first Impact Day dedicated to human resources proved incredibly timely as everyone - from nonprofits to corporations - is in the midst of remote work and all the challenges and opportunities that come with it.


Strategy Impact Day | May 2020

The first Impact Day of 2020 was postponed and shifted to virtual due to the pandemic. Then, the week of the new date, George Floyd was killed in our hometown. The environment made for a somber yet empowering day.


Tech Impact Day | OCT 2019

Our second Tech Impact Day showcased the value of fostering cross-sector (and cross-species!) relationships. We loved seeing a few returning nonprofit and volunteer participants plus one very good therapy dog.

marketing impact day | sep 2019

After joining forces, Impact Day MSP and HandsOn Twin Cities refined the scope of Impact Day and expanded the functional area expertise into marketing for a effective, efficient, and fun day of impact.

tech impact day | nov 2018

Inaugural Impact Day MSP event gained traction among local startups and national tech companies alike as well as set records, bringing thirty-five nonprofits together with local pro bono volunteers.

Corporate Community day | Sep 2018

A true collaboration hosted by HandsOn Twin Cities: Partner organizations of NAZ were brought together and matched with pro bono volunteers from corporate sponsors.

Case Study


Code Savvy participated in the 2018 Tech Impact Day to kick-start the scope of a tech project. They then spent the next year working with those same pro bono volunteers to deliver on a robust solution. The connection made between the organization and the pro bono volunteers was a match made in techie heaven!